Helpful Links

Printed Matter, Inc.             Printed Matter, Inc. distributes and helps promote Artist’s Books to help increase their visibility. This section of their website describes what Artist’s Books can be and the common misconceptions of what they are.

Angela Lorenz
Artist Angela Lorenz takes on the task of defining what an Artist’s Book is. Provides a helpful diagram of the many things that might qualify a work as an Artist’s Book. She also delves into the history of Artist’s Book making and the complexity of the genre.

Women's Studio Workshop
Women’s Studio Workshop brings many artists together to create work of art some of which include Artist’s Books. This section of their website takes the time to describe what they might consider as an Artist’s Book.




State Library Victoria
Des Cowley, the Rare Printed Collections Manager at the State Library Victoria, gives insight into how Artist’s Books have its roots in an 1,000 year old practice yet represent the future of the book as well.

Beyond the Gallery

Beyond the Gallery presents artist Alicia Bailey who explains how she got into making Artist’s Books. Describes what this practice means to her as an artist. Great visual aid to show the construction of an Artist’s Book.

California Polytechnic State University

Video posted by a student in San Luis Obispo, CA where she interviews book artist Meryl Perloff. The artist gives her definition of what an Artist’s Book is and how book artists get inspired.

Just Seeds

One of the forms of an Artist’s Book are Zines and the Denison Archives & Special Collections is adding more Zines to their collection. There are many ways to make a Zine and this video shows how to make one of the more common forms. It also explains what a Zine is and what they are for.